FAQs: Child Support in Florida
Florida Alimony Attorney
Ensuring Your Spousal Support Is Equitable
Alimony payments are often one of the most contentious post-divorce agreements. Both parties’ financial stability and livelihood are at stake. As your attorney, Max Factor is a strong advocate with passion and years of experience. Ensure you are cared for financially by obtaining a fair settlement.
At Max Factor Attorney At Law P.A., you benefit from our experience and attention to detail. We treat your case with consideration and commitment. Develop a strong strategy. Dial 850-577-1699.
What The Courts Consider During Alimony Disputes
Florida law provides for spousal support so that both parties in a divorce can have financial resources as they adjust to their new lives. The courts consider many factors when determining alimony payments, including:
How long you were married and if either party was a stay-at-home spouse
Each party’s earning potential, including any necessary job training
The age and medical needs of both parties
The parties’ comparative income and assets
As each spouse adjusts to their new lives, there may be substantial changes in your circumstances. In some cases, this may warrant a modification in your alimony arrangement. Our firm can help you find a suitable alimony agreement or help adjust your alimony when appropriate
Contact A Lawyer Who Can Help You
For help with alimony in the Tallahassee area, reach our office by phone or email. You do not have to wait. Take a proactive approach.